Monday, August 26, 2024

Jad Ganem: The Most Honest Stance to Take

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The Most Honest Stance to Take

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church has been suffering for years due to its maintaining canonical ties with the Patriarchate of Moscow, which, for more than thirty years, has refused to acknowledge the right of the Orthodox people in Ukraine to obtain autocephaly. The Moscow Patriarchate neither attempted nor succeeded in addressing the Ukrainian schism that has persisted for decades.

Recently, after Constantinople, along with the Churches of Alexandria, Cyprus, and Greece, recognized the Ukrainian schismatics and the autocephaly of what is called the “Orthodox Church of Ukraine,” this church found itself at the heart of persecution within Ukrainian society. The Russian war on Ukraine, along with Patriarch Kirill’s positions in support of it, including the distribution certificates of sanctity to soldiers who died during the conflict, only further fueled the resentment of a significant portion of the Ukrainian people towards Russia and its people. This anger has been directed towards the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which is perceived as an extension of the Moscow Patriarchate in their country.

The position of Metropolitan Onufriy, who opposed the war, along with the church’s involvement in aiding soldiers and doing humanitarian work-- even the church’s declaration of independence from the Moscow Patriarchate-- have not succeeded in changing the stereotypical image promoted by the media. This image appears to be accepted within society and among politicians, who overwhelmingly voted for Law 8371, which aims to ban the activities of this church.

Upon the adoption of this law, Patriarch Kirill hastened to call a session of the Holy Synod of the Moscow Patriarchate, which issued a statement holding Patriarch Bartholomew responsible for what is happening, affirming that the church in Ukraine will steadfastly endure persecution and that the “gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Patriarch Kirill also sent a letter to the heads of the Orthodox churches, religious leaders and international organizations, informing them of the adoption of Law 8371 and calling on them to pray for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which, “after the authorities failed to weaken it and failed to shake its unity, decided to ban it completely,” through a law that violates international agreements and the Ukrainian constitution.

Perhaps Patriarch Kirill does not realize that he is responsible for the crimes being committed against the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and that all the documents he and his church issue regarding it and religious freedom in Ukraine do not receive any positive response from anyone and are not even worth the ink they are written with. Instead, they harm this church and are used against it by its enemies, who find in them additional evidence for its lack of independence from Moscow.

Therefore, the only service Patriarch Kirill can provide to this church, after maintaining silence and refraining from interfering in its affairs, is to convene a synod in which he openly declares his recognition of its independence from the Moscow Church, as declared on May 27, 2022, and grants it autocephaly. This would be better than all the letters and statements he issues in its supposed defense, as it would neutralize Law 8371 and the justification for its existence.

Patriarch Kirill failed to be a father to the Ukrainian people at the start of the Russian war on Ukraine, and he has encouraged the killing of those he once considered his children! He should learn from the rejection of his name in prayers by the Ukrainian Orthodox people and from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church’s declaration of independence from his patriarchate. He should agree to this independence and spare it from persecution. This, indeed, is the only position that history might remember him for!

If Patriarch Kirill is truly concerned about the fate of this church, then declaring the independence of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church from the Moscow Patriarchate is the most honest stance he can take. Perhaps it is now incumbent upon the leaders of the Orthodox world to demand this of him or to take it upon themselves to embrace the Ukrainian Orthodox Church as a church independent from Moscow!

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