Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Fr. Elias (Morcos) Falls Asleep in the Lord

Arabic original here. For more information about Deir el-Harf and its role in reviving Antiochian monasticism, see here.

Carol Saba commented on Fr. Elias' repose saying, "I do not know if we should pray for him or if it's better to continue to ask him to pray for us! Perhaps both at the same time for one who is voyaging towards the contemplation of the Face of faces, Christ risen from the dead!"

The former abbot and spiritual father of the Monastery of St. George, Deir el-Harf, Archimandrite Elias (Morcos) fell asleep in the Lord the morning of Wednesday, February 23. Prayers for the repose of his soul will take place on Thursday, February 24 at 3pm in the monastery.

Fr. Elias Morcos' name in the world was Marcel. He was born in Lattakia on May 5, 1921. He completed his studies in law at the Beirut School of Law in 1942. He worked as a lawyer for a short time, then became an employee for the region of Lattakia. Marcel had various positions until he wound up at the Ministry of the Interior. After a while, he resigned and went to the Monastery of St. George in the village of Deir el-Harf in Mount Lebanon. He established the monastic brotherhood of Deir el-Harf and became its spiritual father and abbot. He translated well-known books, including The Ladder, The Triads of St. Gregory Palamas, and The Fundamentals of the Spiritual Life. He also wrote works such as Christian Worship, In Order to Understand the Liturgy and to Live It, and Thoughts on the Bible, among others.

1 comment:

  1. May his memory be eternal. I haven't had the privilege of meeting Father Elias in the flesh but he was the spiritual father of many people I knew, including my late godmother. As our priest said today, we now have another intercessor among the recently departed Antiochian churchmen, in addition to the late Metropolitan Boulos of Akkar.
