Friday, December 24, 2010

المسيح ولد فمجدوه


  1. Since no one is commenting, I will.

    I rarely comment, but as a regular appreciative reader of your diligent translation work I wanted to say that you have been missed. I know there's a great deal of influenza going around. I hope you are well.

  2. Ditto. Samn!, wherefore art thou?

  3. I was wondering if you might be able to point me to a full(ish) list of the Martyrs of Najran. I usually only see a handful of them named. Do you know where I could look?


  4. Hi all, I apologize for my longish absence. The holidays, a bit of international travel, and now expanded teaching and writing commitments have caused me to neglect the blog a bit.... I will resume posting soon, but at a reduced frequency, most likely.

    Fr. Andrew, for the Martyrs of Najran, the Greek account has been published alongside a French translation:

    Le martyre de Saint Aréthas et de ses compagnons (BHG 166) / édition critique, étude et annotation Marina Detoraki ; traduction par Joëlle Beaucamp ; appendice sur les versions orientales par André Binggeli, Paris : Association des amis du Centre d’histoire et civilisation de Byzance, 2007

    The Arabic version was published at Balamand in 2007 as الرواية العربية لاستشهاد القديس حارث بن كعب ورفقائه في مدينة نجران / حققها وقدم لها حارث إبراهيم

    and was subject to a recent study:
    Redefining history on pre-Islamic accounts : the Arabic recension of the Martyrs of Najrân / by Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala published by Georgias Press in 2010.

    For Syriac and other sources, there's The martyrs of Najrân. New documents, by Irfan Shahid, published in Brussels by the Bollandists in 1971.

    A wider study on the Christians of Najran is Najrân : chrétiens d’arabie avant l’islam / par René Tardy, published in Beirut by Dar el-Machreq in 1999.

    It might be a bit of time before I can put together a more detailed post......

  5. Don't forget Sebastian Brock and Susan Ashbrook Harvey, Holy Women of the Syrian Orient, published by University of California Press in 1998. They focus specifically on the Second Letter of Simeon of Beth Arsham, which gives much detail specifically on the martyrdoms of women at Najran.
