Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Fr. Pandeleimon of Hamtoura and Isaac the Athonite

Here is a wonderful article in Greek and English about Fr. Pandeleimon, abbot of the monastery of Hamtoura. It has several pictures of him and of the brothers of the monastery, as well. Scroll halfway down to find the English....!


Also, to hear Fr. Pandeleimon's excellent voice click here.


  1. Thanks for pointing this out. I linked to that blog some time ago, but I don't always pay close attention to the posts.

    Do you happen to know any of the fathers in the photograph at the bottom?

  2. This is from a post about a year ago, actually... I don't follow the blog myself since, well, I don't so much read modern Greek, but someone forwarded it to me and I thought it should get some attention.

    I don't know any of the fathers in the picture, sadly. I've only visited Hamatoura briefly, about five years ago now...

  3. Well I do read modern Greek, but it seems to me like most of the posts on there have translations halfway down, like this one did. You might glance at it more often.

    I asked about those monks because I think I might recognise the schemamonk on the elder's right (on the other side from the newly tonsured one) with the bright red schema.

  4. Actually, that's good advice... it seems there's quite a lot there about the Church in Lebanon! With pictures!!

  5. Beautiful and moving! And thank you for posting the wonderful links. I was very blessed reading about St. Jacob, Fr. Pandeleimon, and the Athonite Elder Isaac and Elder Paisios. They are among the Church's great treasures through whom Christ shines with great radiance. May the Lord continue to raise up such holy Fathers (and Mothers). Holy Fathers, pray for us.

